How to Write Copy That Sells and Compells on Your Wellness Website

Good website copy starts with two things: a clear brand voice and consistent message. When honing in on your brand voice, consider, what do YOU sound like when chatting wtih your clients? Are you warm & empathetic? Casual and cheeky? Tough love & to the point? Your brand voice should sound like YOU. I recommend choosing 3 words to describe your brand voice and anytime you add copy to your website, consider, “Does this fit my brand voice requirements?” 

When you consider the “message” you want to convey with your copy, consistency is the MOST important thing. Don’t leave your clients guessing about what your brand values are and what you’re offering. For example - if you say you’re all about mindful eating you’re not going to write that on your home page and then tell people that what they eat doesn’t matter on your about page a few paragraphs later right? Don’t leave clients confused about what YOU are all about. Keep your brand voice and messaging CLEAR and consistent. 

To learn more about how we help clients craft a compelling brand voice and nail their messaging browse our portfolio for inspiration!


How to Write a Great About Page for Your Personal Fitness Brand


The Secret To Standing Out as a Wellness Coach